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Message Danish Canadian Club Calgary

Danish Canadian Club Calgary - Danish category in Calgary AB

Danish Canadian Club Calgary

(403) 261-9774
(403) 261-9774

About Danish Canadian Club Calgary

Around 1928, three Danish clubs were established in Calgary. In 1933, the clubs decided to join forces. On November 30, 1933, 72 chartered members formed a new club named The Danish Canadian Society.

In 1944, The Danish Canadian Society moved into its own premises at 114-7th Avenue S.E. On November 9, 1945, the name was changed to its present name, The Danish Canadian Club, commonly known as DCC. In 1964, The Danish Canadian Club (DCC) sold its original location and purchased its present location at 727-11th Avenue S.W. We have been in the same place for more than 40 years.


Primary Office Location

pin 727 - 11th Avenue S.W. Calgary Canada T2R 0E3

pin (403) 261-9774

Social Media

Facebook page for Danish Canadian Club Calgary - Danish category in Calgary
Message Danish Canadian Club Calgary
(403) 261-9774