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Message to Danish Canadian Society "Dania"

Danish Canadian Society

Danish Canadian Society "Dania"


Cultural Non Profit
Practice Areas

About Danish Canadian Society "Dania"

We are a Danish social and cultural club in Edmonton & area for Danes & people of Danish descent.

The Danish Canadian Society, also known as Dania, was formed in Edmonton in 1921 by a group of Danish people who were interested in keeping their heritage alive in Canada. As a society, Dania strives to promote Danish heritage among the descendants of those early members and those who arrived from Denmark since the 1920's. Throughout the year, Dania puts on various activities, which have included dinner dance nights offering traditional Danish foods of course with Danish Aquavit; a Childrens Jul (Christmas) party with Danish Christmas traditions & a horseshoe tournament/campout celebrating Sankt Hans Aften.


Primary Office Location

pin 13312–142 Street Edmonton Canada T5L 4T3

Social Media

Twitter page for Danish Canadian Society Facebook page for Danish Canadian Society Instagram page for Danish Canadian Society
Message Danish Canadian Society "Dania"