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Message to Danish Club of Montreal

Danish Club of Montreal - Danish  in Montreal QC

Danish Club of Montreal

About Danish Club of Montreal

The Danish Club of Montreal (Den Danske Klub) was founded in 1922. It is the oldest Danish Club in Canada and is a member of the Danish Federation of Associations.

Our purpose as a not-for-profit club is to encourage mutual solidarity among Danes in Montreal and to maintain the connection with the native country for persons with Danish origin or background, and for persons with an interest in Denmark or Danish culture and affairs. We have special events throughout the year. The club supports our community through the Royal Canadian Legion and by giving to St. Ansgar’s Lutheran Church. We have a growing number of younger new members each year which help us build and sustain our club. Our long time and older members continue to be very actively involved in the club and attend lunches and events. Both young and old members enjoy fellowship, friendship, and good camaraderie together. A new website, Facebook and Twitter pages help us communicate to our community in addition to our printed newsletters.

We support the activities of the Danish Canadian Society, DABGO (Danes Abroad Business Group Online) and St. Ansgar’s Lutheran Church in an effort to sustain a cohesive Danish community in Montreal.


Primary Office Location

pin Montreal Canada

Social Media

Twitter page for Danish Club of Montreal - Danish  in Montreal Facebook page for Danish Club of Montreal - Danish  in Montreal
Message Danish Club of Montreal