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Message to Danish Consulate in Indianapolis, Indiana

Danish Consulate in Indianapolis, Indiana - Danish  in Indianapolis IN

Danish Consulate in Indianapolis, Indiana

Government of Denmark
(317) 432-1138
(317) 432-1138


Government Embassies and Consulates
Practice Areas

About Danish Consulate in Indianapolis, Indiana

Denmark has thirty honorary consulates located throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. In addition, the honorary consulates in the Caribbean islands of Bermuda and Antigua and Barbuda are also part of the consular network.

The honorary consulates assist the Embassy and the Consulates General in New York, Chicago, Houston and Silicon Valley in consular, commercial, and cultural matters.


Primary Office Location

pin 3952 E. 79th St Indianapolis IN 46240

pin (317) 432-1138


Message Danish Consulate in Indianapolis, Indiana
(317) 432-1138